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Setting Goals

Your development is important to us at Jesus Film. Often people would work hard but feel like it’s going nowhere. A key reason for this is that they haven’t spent enough time thinking about what they want to achieve. It can almost look like embarking on an unplanned journey. Setting realistic goals is one of the finest strategies to advance.

Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

We use a well-known framework for goal-setting called Objectives & Key Results (OKRs). The main ideology behind OKRs are to set goals that matter, are transparent, and have strategic alignment.

What are OKRs?

Three ideas make up OKRs: the objective, the key results, and the initiatives.

  1. A description of your desired outcomes is contained in your objectives.
  2. The outcomes you need to get in order to meet your objectives are known as Key Results.
  3. Initiatives are the tasks necessary to assist you in achieving your Key Results.

An in-depth explanation of what OKRs are and how to write one has been provided by Perdoo.

What is Perdoo?

Perdoo is the app we use to create and track OKRs. The delivery of strategy has never been so simple thanks to Perdoo, a platform that is dedicated to producing results that matter.


Setting OKRs aids in greater strategic alignment, as was previously indicated. This entails coordinating your OKRs with the objectives of your team, your aspirations, and our strategic pillars.

Personal Development

It can take some time to establish your own personal growth objectives. For your benefit, locate the Making a Career documents section. Each title for engineers and designers has been described here. Navigate to the position that best describes you at the moment or the next level of your career.

There are window timeframes at each stage of a career. For the first half of the said time. Your OKRs should promote a quality that defines the current stage of your career. The remaining half should then promote a quality that defines the next phase of your career.

For example, if you are a Junior Engineer aiming to be an Engineer. You need to have at least an experience in a specific domain for about 2 years and onwards. For the first year, your OKRs should relate to what defines a Junior Engineer. While the second year should relate to Engineer.

Writing OKRs

Essentially, while you consider developing your OKRs, keep in mind that it should be in line with these three things: your team goals, your aspirations, and our strategic pillars.

You must provide your objective (O) and key result (KR) when writing an OKRs. Your aim is described in the Objective, and your Key Result is the measurable result needed to accomplish the Objective. You will create and keep track of your OKRs in Perdoo.

OKRs example:

O: Build features that follows existing patterns and approaches

KR: Generate 2 pages for folder and file naming patterns for Core

KR: Generate 2 pages for variable naming patterns for Core

Perdoo has delivered once more by providing additional examples for us to use as guides or to assist us understand how to write our OKRs.

Writing out our goals helps to better guide, inspire, and push us. Let's continue to run this race well together and work towards the things that really count.

Jesus Film’s Goal

To Reach and Connect The Last, The Least & The Lost with partners and the body of Christ