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Running and Debugging Tests

  1. Install 'Playwright Test for VSCode' extension

  2. Make sure that the servers and the app you want to test is running

  nf start
 nx serve journeys
  1. Make sure that only firefox is running in playwright config
  • go to playwright.config.ts
  • make sure firefox browser is uncommented
  • make sure other browsers are commented out
  1. Run all playwright tests (e.g journeys)
    npx nx run journeys-e2e:e2e
  1. Run just one playwright tests
    npx playwright test apps/journeys-e2e/src/e2e/journeys.spec.ts
  1. Devcontainer's HTML results can be found at the root level in playwright-report/index.html. Copy entire directory to local and open the html report.

More resources on running tests: